Tuesday I introduced the idea of animals we might see at the zoo. We started out by talking about the zoo, and who had been there, and naming some of the animals that we might see. I try to mention that the animals don't normally live in the zoo, that they live other places too.
I had a student come up and turn and put on an animal mask. Then I gave clues as to what animal it might be (like it's color, the sound it begins with, etc...) and then they turned around. Then everyone put on a mask and acted like whatever animal mask they had on. (I just noticed that first picture is in their twice. Oops!) There were tigers, monkeys, zebras and elephants. Just for future reference, both sessions LOVE tigers. :)
On Thursday we did our Zebra pudding activity. It's hard to believe that we have now gone through the entire alphabet this year! The students enjoyed helping to make the pudding and then eat it.
I had a few other activities planned, but making their own animal mask took the rest of the time after math! And I completely forgot to take any pictures of their masks! Sorry!