Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday, Feb. 16

Today was kind of a catch-up day. It was scheduled to be a "winter" theme, but with the weird winter we've had, it didn't work out so well!

I also had a few activities I've been trying to get to, so it was a good day to finish everything up.

Remember last week when we learned about letter Tt? We ran out of time before finishing their tigers, so as the children came in, I had them paint black stripes on the paper plate tigers we'd painted last week. At the end of the day, we finished the tigers by gluing eyes and ears onto the tiger, and some of the children chose to draw noses and mouths on the tigers too.

First we learned about letter Vv. We talked about the word Valentine and how to make the sound for Vv. Lots of the students have a difficult time making the sound--they tend to suck their lip in (if that makes sense--it's easier to show) and how if you make the sound correctly it makes your lip "tickle."

We did a number page. Each page was blank and had a number on the side, then I gave the students a sheet of stickers and they had to place that many stickers on their paper. Again, I had one paper that was from 0-6 (numbers we've "focused" on so far) and then one from 0-10 as a challenge.

I did this in small groups, with about 3-4 students rotating in and out, each doing it on their own with my assistance and on their own time frame. As a bonus, taking the stickers off the pages and putting them onto the paper was a good fine motor activity as well.

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