I love Dr. Suess! We read four different Dr. Suess books this week: Green Eggs and Ham; One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish; The Cat in the Hat; and The Foot Book.
Most of the students had previously read The Cat in the Hat or Green Eggs and Ham. They enjoyed hearing them again.
On Tuesday after we read Green Eggs and Ham we played a game--basically pin the tail on the donkey, only they were trying to get their green eggs onto the platter. This is Paige trying to find her way to the ham.
For letter Rr on Thursday we made robots. The students enjoyed making their girl and boy robots. I don't do a lot of "kit" crafts, but I thought this one was really cute. Britton asked me to take a picture of him with his robot.Most of the students had previously read The Cat in the Hat or Green Eggs and Ham. They enjoyed hearing them again.
On Tuesday after we read Green Eggs and Ham we played a game--basically pin the tail on the donkey, only they were trying to get their green eggs onto the platter. This is Paige trying to find her way to the ham.

Major fail on my part! I forgot to take a picture of the afternoon class before they left. This is the morning class with their Cat in the Hat hats. They enjoyed making and wearing their hats. After their hats were finished, we did a few motor activities like the Cat did in the book. We balanced a book on our heads, hopped on one foot, and practiced balancing on each leg (rather than the rake like in the book!). These are all good skills to be working on with your preschooler.
It was a good week! I have several guests lined up to come for Community Helpers week the next two weeks. Have a good weekend!
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