Friday, November 9, 2012

Letter O and Halloween

Sorry this post is late!

Last week was a fun, but very busy week! We introduced the letter Oo and our theme of Occupations. I read the students a book about Veterinarians and we talked about different jobs and the jobs of their family members.

The afternoon class had their Halloween party on Tuesday afternoon. They made ghosts (I bet some of you parents were wondering what exactly that was they brought home!), helped make and decorate sugar cookies and we did a little Halloween dancing--love the Monster Mash! And a HUGE thank you to all the parents/ grandparents/ family members who came to our Halloween parade. They were so cute!

 Wednesday the afternoon class did their Oo sound pages, we did a little sorting, and then we did our Halloween activities. I got out all the art supplies and they made monster friends in their class. And again, THANK YOU for the support at the Halloween costume parade!

 Thursday I knew all the kids would be tired. We did a sorting activity with toys and then we pulled out the shaving cream. This is usually a favorite activity. We practiced writing different letters and our names in the shaving cream and then they could just play in the shaving cream. It's always interesting to see how long some children want to play. Some play for a minute, some would play all day if they could!
 We also talked about the career of being an author and illustrator. I showed them different books and how in some books, one person wrote the story and was the illustrator, some had different people, and some even used real pictures. We also talked about how stories are sometimes true and sometimes pretend. The students then got to write and draw their own story.

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