*There are lots of pictures. To help with uploading and storage, I resize the pictures smaller. Click on the collages to see the pictures bigger, and if you ever want a picture of your child that I've uploaded, let me know and I will email the original to you. Please do not take any pictures from the blog.*
Officer Tabee with the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) came and brought his dog, Agar. Agar is a specially trained German Shepherd that is trained in sniffing out drugs. He is a non-aggressive dog, meaning when he finds the drugs, he stops and points to them, rather than aggressively attacking. Officer Tabee let all the students that wanted to come and pet Agar. He recommends that you always ask before you pet any dog, but especially a police dog. Some aren't as nice as Agar.
After talking with the children for a few minutes, we all went outside. They had hidden two scented training bags in my yard and the students got to see Agar work. It was really cool to see him just sit and stare at the spot once he'd found the scent. We also got to see Agar get his reward--a tennis ball!
After a little bit of work (Letter Yy) we went to the fire station. A huge thanks to Ryan (don't know the last name!) who came last minute when the first firefighter forgot! The students enjoyed seeing all the fire trucks and equipment.
Firefighter Ryan talked to the students a little about getting out of the house if there is a fire, not playing with matches, and not hiding from firefighters. I highly recommend discussing these items with your child again.
George and Michael got to get in the firetruck and turn on the horns and the sirens. They were loud! (I have several group shots on the fire truck, if you want one let me know.)
The PM class got two special visitors--Officer Bird with the Roosevelt Police Department and his dog Buddy, and also Officer Tabee with Agar. Buddy is a newer police dog, and we got to see both of the dogs work.
*Side note: At one point, we had 4 police officers in front of the preschool. We joked about how safe your children all were! I'm sure the people driving past were wondering what I had done wrong to warrant such a police presence!
Then we came in and did our letter Yy paper and snack, and headed to the fire station. This time Greg took us around. The students had lots of "questions" (aka telling him random things) but really enjoyed seeing the trucks.
Most of the students wanted to try on the fire coat and/or fire hat. Here are a few pictures of some of the students trying on the gear.
Group picture. It was getting late, so it was a quickie, but here you go! Greg turned on the sirens quickly... and two students cried. Hope we didn't traumatize anyone! :)
On Wednesday, Michael's dad, Jeremy came to talk to the students about being in the Army. He did a tour in, I believe 2004, and is no longer active duty. He showed the students a map and briefly told them about what he did and why. Stuff like this is tricky to explain to 5 year olds--enough detail to help them get it, but not too much detail. Jeremy brought in some of his medals as well. Thanks, Jeremy!
Thursday we made Yellow collages (letter Yy is tricky for crafts!). We only used yellow art supplies for our pictures--paper, paint, markers, stickers, and yarn. It was interesting to see what they came up with.
We also did a sorting activity. The AM class sorted shapes by size--small, medium, big, and the afternoon class just did small and big.
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